Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) is one of two Sacraments practiced by Reformed Christians (Baptism is the other). In this simplest of meals—a morsel of bread, a sip of juice or wine—there is a great feast of mystery and meaning:
Communion is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace made by God through Jesus Christ and extended to us.
Around the table that Christ prepares, we give thanks and praise for God’s creative power, redeeming love, and sustaining care.
With gratitude, we recall Christ’s gracious life, saving death, and life-giving resurrection—even as we await his coming in glory.
We pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who nourishes us with Christ’s presence and makes us one in ministry with the church throughout the world.
We enjoy a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come, when we will feast with all the saints in God’s eternal realm.
Ours Communion Table is open to all, and all are invited to partake.
Adapted from “The Sacrament of Communion,” a Study Guide for The Presbyterian Leader, by David Gambrell, Copyright © 2010