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The work we are called to do when we follow Christ.

Serving others is one of the three essential characteristics of Christian discipleship at Westminster. We take this charge seriously and partner with a number of community agencies and schools. We also provide direct service through our own church projects, such as our Summer Lunch Program.


The Westminster World and Community Council is charged with the  support of and education about services to God's work in the community and the world. Our church and congregation live in and share God's love by providing hands-on volunteer service and financial support to programs and projects that lift people up in dignity and hope.


We invite you to connect with Westminster Presbyterian through one or more of our mission service projects. 

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Our Mission Partners


Central Topeka Grocery Oasis

The mission of CTGO is to provide a nourishing and sustainable healthy food source to the Central Topeka neighborhoods.


Doorstep, Inc. of Topeka

Doorstep provides Topekans with the support they need to live fuller, more self-sufficient lives. From combating hunger, to offering individuals and families the services and resources they need to enjoy independent lifestyles, Doorstep is committed to extending a helping hand to our forgotten friends and neighbors in their time of need.


Family Service & Guidance Center

Family Service & Guidance Center (FSGC) is a nonprofit community mental health center that specializes in meeting the unique needs of children up to 18 years old.


Let's Help

Let’s Help is a not-for-profit organization committed to helping people achieve self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty. We have dedicated team of members who volunteer their time to prepare meals for Let's Help clients.


Randolph Elementary School


Robinson Middle School


Topeka Habitat for Humanity

The mission of THFH is to promote affordable housing for low income individuals in Shawnee County. Their vision is a community where everyone has a safe and decent place to live.


Topeka JUMP (Justice Unity and Ministry Project)

Topeka JUMP pursues systematic change in Shawnee County through local policy and funding changes. Their mission is to provide a powerful vehicle for marginalized groups in Shawnee County to fight for justice.


Topeka Rescue Mission Ministries

The Topeka Rescue Mission provides shelter and services for those experiencing homelessness, and for those in need in Topeka and NE Kansas

VIDA Ministries

VIDA is a nonprofit organization, guided by a Board of Directors representing the 12 Presbyterian churches in Shawnee County, other Topeka congregations, community leaders, and representatives of the Latino community. In partnership with Topeka’s Latino communities, VIDA responds to their needs in ways that strengthen community, facilitate integration, and create lasting relationships.

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Property Management and Landscaping

Do you have a green thumb? Are you handy with maintenance projects? If so, we invite you to join our property team. This dedicated group helps keep our building and grounds looking beautiful.

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